
Strategic Plan

Our FutureIn Focus

Shore Country Day School has embarked on creating Our Future in Focus, the strategic plan that we will build together to boldly define the future of our school. In fall 2019, through inclusive and comprehensive surveys, the Shore community completed the first step in laying the groundwork for our planning. On February 1, 2020, Shore took the next step in defining the vision and goals that will shape the strategic plan: hosting an exciting, community-wide Visioning Day on campus. This day resulted in the creation of a shared vision for Shore: By 2025, Shore will be boldly reimagined to inspire a diverse community of global difference-makers.
This vision includes three goals:
  • Innovation: In 2025, Shore Country Day School community members are immersed in expansive and innovative teaching and learning experiences within and beyond classroom walls.
  • Equity & inclusion: In 2025, Shore Country Day School is a diverse and accessible community where everyone feels a sense of belonging.
  • Financial sustainability: In 2025, Shore Country Day School is financially sustainable as evidenced by more diverse income streams and continuous generation of surplus assets to reinvest in new programming and new business initiatives.

You are invited to download a one-page overview of Our Future in Focus, which provides more detail on Shore’s goals and promising strategies. 

Steering Committee

Stephanie Benenson, P '28, '29
Ian Brady, P '25, '28
Gustavo Carrera, Head of Upper School
Pat Coyle, Upper School History Teacher
Erin Curley, P '25, '28
Dino Di Palma, Trustee
Daphne Faldi, Director of Admissions
Bill Fisher, Director of Marketing & Communications
Ann-Marie Flynn, Director of Finance & Operations
Hugo Foster, Trustee
Rayna Lesser Hannaway, President, Board of Trustees
Weze Harrigan '92, Trustee
Oliver Hay, Upper School Science Teacher
Sara Knox, Head of Lower School
Katie Kozin, Director of Advancement
Amy Marks, Trustee
Denise Marks, Treasurer, Board of Trustees
Kelly O’Connor, P '23, '26
Santo Politi, Trustee
Stacy Tell, Grade 4 Teacher
Laura Thomson, Grade 2 Teacher
Clair Ward, Head of School

Shore Country Day School

545 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA 01915
(978) 927-1700
Shore Country Day School’s mission is to provide an education that inspires a love of learning and encourages children to embrace academic challenge. We seek to build character, cultivate creativity, and value diversity as we help our children become healthy, compassionate citizens of the world.
The School admits qualified students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, sex, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, or any other status protected by applicable law, and extends to them all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School. The School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, sex, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, or any other status protected by applicable law in the administration of its admissions, scholarships, and loans, and its educational, athletic, and other programs.

Open House - You're Invited

Join us for our Admissions Open House!

Sunday, January 12 
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Bring the family to our Open House, where you will meet our teachers, join in fun activities in the classrooms, including an obstacle course in the gym, and learn how Shore’s program inspires students for life!

Register here - see you Sunday, January 12!